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HomeeCommerceTop 10 Best Selling Online Products Right Now

Top 10 Best Selling Online Products Right Now


You only have to look at the wide variety of delivery vans in your hometown to understand that buying products online is the most natural thing in the world today. However, not everything that is offered via web shops is equally popular.

Certain products sit on the shelves of a warehouse for a long time, gathering dust until they get a new owner, while other items are selling like hot cakes. We have put together the top 10 of the latter category for you below.

1. Fashion


This is the absolute number 1 product category worldwide in which online buyers place their orders. In addition to so-called online megastores, which offer a very wide range of fashion items, so-called niche shops are also very popular online, because they serve specific target groups. Don’t miss to buy fashion accessories at best price with Amazon promo codes

In this context, consider, for example, a webshop that specializes in clothing in large sizes. Or one that focuses purely on the sale of clothing and accessories, which are only suitable for fans of a gothic style. Such specialist shops are often hard to find in the average US shopping street, so that buying online is the only serious alternative.

All these small and large online fashion providers together ensure that the people spend the most money in this online sector in percentage terms.

2. Holidays and outings

Holidays and outings

Be honest… When was the last time you visited a travel agency to book a holiday? If you belong to the younger generation, chances are you’ve never been there.

And why would you? Today, you can easily arrange holidays and day or weekend trips online from A to Z. After all, the websites of the various travel organizations provide you with all the necessary information you need to make a good choice from the total offer.

And if you still want independent help in choosing your next holiday trip, social media and YouTube videos offer you more than enough additional sources of information.

3. Books


About 40 million books were bought in 2020. This makes our country relatively one of the frontrunners. The genre that we as US readers purchase most online falls into the ‘fiction’ category. In addition, children’s books are popular items that reach US living rooms via the baskets of online bookstores.

The vast majority of the books sold are still just the paper version. Although digital alternatives to e-readers are on the rise, they currently only cover 8 percent of the US market.

4. Music


With the arrival of Spotify, Deezer and other similar music services, it may have become less common to purchase CDs yourself, but that certainly doesn’t mean that no one does that anymore.

On the contrary. The offer on the music platforms just mentioned is huge, but ultimately far from complete. Many songs and artists are simply not (yet) available, so that fans simply have to buy old trusted CDs and digital music files.

Apart from that, there are also countless music lovers who clearly prefer vinyl records, because they like the timbre of it more than the contemporary digital alternative. Although the market for vinyl enthusiasts is a niche market, it is of course one that simply contributes to the total turnover of online music sales.

5. Online Courses

Online Courses

Because we live in an increasingly dynamic world, classical school diplomas are slowly but surely losing their power. In order to keep your knowledge in a certain field up-to-date, you will regularly have to take additional courses during your career.

The time when you used to meet in a group in a musty-smelling classroom is no longer of this time. 

6. Consumer Electronics

Consumer Electronics

The time when we really visited an electronics store to pick out a new TV or stereo set there, with or without the ‘help’ of a slippery salesperson, is now far behind us.

Today, we rely mainly on extra-accurate product descriptions and specifications, reviews from unknown third parties, and independent YouTube videos that discuss the pros and cons of a particular product.

Buying consumer electronics online also has the advantage that you have a much wider choice, giving you the opportunity to really purchase the very best quality product that fits your personal budget.

7. Pet Care Products

Pet Care Products

The US  has literally millions of pets, which – just like us humans – must be provided with a drink and a drink every day. In addition, keeping a pet also requires the necessary care.

You can of course choose to buy related products in the supermarket or pet store, but if you don’t feel like lugging around with heavy packages of food or cat litter, many animal web shops can arrange for you to have all this done by a parcel service. is delivered at home.

Other popular products that pet owners often buy online today are pet beds and personalized food bowls.

8. Baby & Kids Products

Baby & Kids Products

You naturally wish your child the very best and because as a parent you naturally lead an unbelievable pressure, it is all the more convenient that you can easily meet that wish via all kinds of online ordering options. In this product category, the inverted car seats in particular have proven to be bestsellers for many years.

In addition, it goes without saying that toys are also readily available on the digital counters of the web shops. Especially when the December holidays are approaching.

9. Beauty and Health Products

Beauty and Health Products

The beauty and health industry is a business sector that generates several billion euros in turnover worldwide every year. It is therefore not surprising that many webshop owners also want to benefit from this.

The growth of the Internet has allowed consumers to discover a wide range of beauty and health techniques, which were initially only available in certain regions of the world.

This far-reaching globalization has further increased the range of products in this category.

10. Homewares


Buying furniture and associated accessories without ever having seen them before delivery is nothing new. This was already possible decades ago, when mail order companies still sent thick paper catalogs to their customers twice a year.

The difference with the current digital shipping houses is that the offer is much larger and, above all, much more up-to-date, so that new housing trends can be responded to quickly.

A striking development is that more and more consumers are now choosing to order indoor plants online to decorate their interiors.


Selena is a blogger and a guest contributor for a well-known brand that includes MESHEBLE & INTHEMARKET. In her leisure time, she plays tennis.


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