Remote work is a hot topic since it’s now more common than ever. There are plenty of benefits to having employees work from home, but there are also some complications if this change isn’t planned perfectly. Let’s take a look at what those are and how to know if remote work is right for your company.
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You Have the Right Leaders
Even the best management team in the office may not adjust well to managing from home and dealing with remote issues. However, if you’ve already got great people—with the right training and preparation—they could very well become an excellent remote managing team.
Using technology (such as video conferencing, chats online, and time tracking software) to assist in management helps greatly in transitioning from the office to one’s home.
Consider the Many Benefits
There are plenty of benefits of switching the company to remote working, and two are the most common. The first is flexibility, and the second is cost savings.
Depending on the position, work hours are flexible; as long as the work is accomplished, employees complete it on their own schedule. This creates less stress and a better work-life balance for employees.
You can also allow employees to have a flex schedule. Maybe some employees want to work remotely but would like to break it up with a day or two in the office. You’ll have to adequately adjust and plan, but by working together with your employees, you can create an environment where they have options.
Cost Savings
The cost of running an office space is high since you have to account for rent, utilities, and keeping the space welcoming and comfortable. Imagine the savings you’ll enjoy when employees no longer need the space. With remote work, downsizing or completely eliminating the office leads to significant cost savings.
Remember That Results Matter
Most likely, your company had a certain way of doing things. When remote work begins, a lot of that will change—and that’s okay. Try not to get caught up in wondering how will my employees get things done; instead, watch and see the results. If the results prove remote work is a perfect fit, then it doesn’t really matter if one employee works in their pajamas and another works from their front porch. What matters are results. Don’t get hung up on recreating the office at home.
Take Into Account That Some Roles Can’t Switch
There’s no getting around it—some roles simply won’t function correctly at home, which leaves remote work as an impossible option. Look carefully at each role when deciding if remote work is right for your company. Remain open-minded and flexible. There may be a position that you never dreamed workable from home, but with some brainstorming, it just may become an ideal working environment.
As you decide what’s best for your company, remember the many benefits of remote work, along with considering who will lead, focusing on results, and understanding which roles can make the switch and which cannot.