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HomeHRReasons to Use Behavioral Assessments for Hiring

Reasons to Use Behavioral Assessments for Hiring


Hiring managers don’t have it easy today. With recruiting becoming more competitive and employees’ skills gaps widening, it’s challenging to recruit and retain top talent. According to Deloitte, 47% of jobs will disappear in the next ten years. Further, 67% of employees maintain that they need to reskill themselves to stay in their jobs where 58% believe that they’ll have a new career by 2024.

With the job market changing before our eyes, now is the time to bolster your recruitment practices, so your company is not left behind. One way to improve your hiring practices is to integrate behavioral assessments for employment.

Behavioral assessments, much like skills tests, predict how candidates will perform once they are hired. These types of evaluations can identify the candidate’s characteristics, intellectual abilities, and skills, ensuring that she or he will be a good fit for your company.

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Let’s look at three reasons to use behavioral assessments for hiring.

1. Create an Objective Basis for Hiring

Behavioral assessments create a comprehensive, objective basis for hiring, giving structure, and equitability to your recruiting practices. In recruitment, employers should strive for consistent, reliable, and valid hiring methods.

Reliable hiring practices produce more consistent results. The selected questions for the behavioral assessment must be appropriate and relevant. Further, the assessment must accurately measure job-related factors, which, in turn, will predict job performance and fit. Think of it as “job-relatedness.” The test must measure the job-related skills and abilities.

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2. Assess for Cultural Fit

You may hear cultural fit a lot lately as it has become a real focus in recruiting. Cultural fit for the organization is as important as whether a candidate is a fit for the job itself. Employers not only need to make sure candidates can do the job, hence, the skills/job fit, but also whether candidates can work well on a team, embracing the goals of the company.

Behavioral assessments can objectively provide insight into cultural fit. By tailoring questions on a behavioral assessment for employment, companies can learn, for example, whether candidates are introverted and prefer to work alone or are extroverted and prefer team-based activities. Further, through behavioral assessments, employers can learn how candidates are motivated, giving insight into how to manage them if and when they become part of the team.

By incorporating behavioral assessments into your recruiting process, not only do you learn more about candidates, but you also eliminate human biases in the hiring process. For example, a candidate may appear gregarious and outgoing in an interview, only to find out that once hired, this new employee has a difficult time communicating with others. Video interviews used with behavioral assessments can help you see this issue before hiring. Although skill sets are critical to successful hiring, you also want to make sure your new employees can work within your company’s culture.

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3. Maintain Legally Compliant Recruitment

Incorporating behavioral assessments for hiring helps to mitigate the employer’s risk by providing an objective, reliable, valid, and consistent basis for making hiring decisions. However, the employer shouldn’t merely choose any test, thinking that the assessment is compliant with the law. To legally defend a hiring decision, companies should use professionally developed assessments that meet federal guidelines for employee selection procedures. In choosing an assessment provider, employers should confirm that the predictive, behavioral assessments for employment have a perfect compliance track record, giving the employer additional peace of mind.

Like all other areas of human resources, the use of pre-employment behavioral assessments is subject to federal laws governing hiring practices. The US EEOC created the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP), which gives employers the right to conduct pre-employment testing. These guidelines provide guidance for federal agencies when determining if unfair, illegal practices occurred during the recruitment process while using pre-employment tests.

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Learn How eSkill Can Help

To hire the best candidates, you can combine pre-employment skills tests, behavioral assessments, and video interviews into a seamless candidate experience. You can customize your hiring assessment tests based on your business or industry, giving you objective insight into the best-suited talent. Additionally, with eSkill, you’ll get expert advice and 24-hour tech support.

eSkill’s tests coverage is the broadest in the industry and covers areas such as IT, Retail, Business Administration, Call Center, Industrial, Healthcare, plus many other industries. eSkill’s employment assessments have been used by Amazon, Adecco, Spotify, and FedEx, and many more. Choose from more than 1,000 standard job-based and subject-based assessments across many jobs or create customized tests by mixing and matching or adding your questions.


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