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ProWritingAid tool for Plagiarism Checks


How can we check plagiarism with a pro writing aid?

Every editor knows plagiarism is not right. We must all show ourselves exclusively without stealing thoughts, words, and opinions from others. But sometimes, it’s challenging to be unique, and unintended plagiarism crawls into our work. Particularly when on a fixed deadline, you may let another’s words move into your content without proper acknowledgment. ProWritingAid is the only stage that gives high-class grammar and style checking linked with more in depth records to increase your writing. Our unique blend of advice, articles, videos, and quizzes makes writing fun and interactive.

How to Use ProWritingAid’s Plagiarism Checker

The Plagiarism Check trait is an add on to the premium package but quite worth the money paid. You can add plagiarism checks to your ProWritingAid license by buying the Premium Plus package. You’ll naturally get 60 plagiarism checks every year.

You can also get checks in packages of 10, 100, 500, and 1000 to suit your wants.

Every check will check a maximum limit of 2000 words of your text. Monitoring 500 words would apply one check, and holding 10,000 words would use 5 checks. If you want to check the same 2000 words double, you will require a different check.

The Plagiarism Check is simple to use. Click on it like any other record, and it automatically produces outcomes. If you can’t see the Plagiarism symbol, you may require to click on More Reports.

Once you have driven the report, you’ll notice a menu on the left side of your screen.

This will notify you:

  • What rate of your text is not unique
  • How much of that non-original text is cited
  • How much is unquoted

You’ll also be capable of seeing how many plagiarism checks you have left to do.

You’ll notice two kinds of colored highlights in your text, replying to the sections in the menu. Blue highlights show unoriginal text that you have rated. You can use these highlights to check that you’ve repeated the highlighted line. While ProWritingAid can’t check your references for you, it will highlight where you may not have mentioned text rightly. Purple highlights in your text show unoriginal that has not been cited. Check through these highlights to see links to the references, which you can use in your quotes.

If you want to work orderly through every highlight, hang over the kind you want to focus on in the menu.

Use the arrows on the navigating toolbar to move within the highlights in your report. All highlights will show you where the highlighted lines have come from to check your references and quotes.

Once you have made sure that you haven’t copied, you can use the eye icon to store the highlights for one class so you can focus on the other.

Now you know how the analysis works, let’s jump a little further into what numbers are plagiarism and how you can evade it.

Why use ProWritingAid’s plagiarism checker?

You get a more robust solution when you use the ProWritingAid plagiarism checker. Our algorithm reviews your work on more references, comprising online and offline references like databases of thousands of reviews and articles and billions of webpages.

The software features out all content that is a precise copy of other’s work. You can see where you’ve used someone else’s work verbatim. And it shows your percentage of connection to another’s work to help you know where you want to summarize better or use quotes.

The plagiarism checker will always win at recognizing any case of plagiarism. Sometimes you’re too near to your work to see where it might require a reference or quotation marks and acknowledging to the original author. Let ProWritingAid spot those cases so you can revise or quote them correctly.

Lastly, ProWritingAid, unlike other plagiarism checkers, will never rebuy your text to others. You keep full control of your words. Make sure you view all the Terms of Service for any plagiarism checker you’re working with. Then examine it to ProWritingAid. You may not get the related extent of coverage with other checkers, ending in erratic plagiarism.

How can you stop plagiarism in your work?

  • Study how to quote references properly
  • Learn how to summarize correctly
  • Make sure you know your references

Plagiarism is a way you can choose up in school or college, majorly affecting your career as a writer. It can start with following someone else’s work when you skipped to do a task. Using a ProWritingAid plagiarism check can help you stop the habit. Learn to form your strong voice, thoughts, opinions, and an honor for others’ work.

Final Thoughts

Evade copied content at all costs and keep your writing status high-pitched clean. It would help if you took erratic ProWritingAid plagiarism with technology, then send it to a customer, reader, or journalist and have them catch it.

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at NamanModi.com, He is an Award Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.

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