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HomeNews TrendsHow to Charge Xbox One Controller? (Complete Guide)

How to Charge Xbox One Controller? (Complete Guide)


The Xbox One release was back in 2013 as an upgrade to the much older Xbox 360 – with the new console came as an improved controller. Thanks to a more fully-formed controller and upgraded d-pad, the gaming experience reached a new level. However, just like every console controller, you may face battery issues with the Xbox One controller. Imagine you are in the middle of a game, and your controller’s battery runs out at a crucial moment. There could be no greater tragedy if you’re a gamer. Esource Parts can hook you up with the best charging accessories for your Xbox One controller in Canada. More importantly, you have to know how to use these accessories so you can charge your controller. Before we get to that part, let’s talk about why a charging controller is preferred.

Is Charging Your Controller Even Necessary?

Before you buy a rechargeable Xbox controller from Canada, ask yourself something. Do you want a controller that keeps running out of battery every little while? You could opt for a wired controller and never have to worry about the battery life ever again. However, most people feel that a wire restricts them from comfortable gaming. If you relate to this problem, it is probably best that you opt for a rechargeable wireless controller.

The Unnecessary Reliance on Cells

The traditional method of powering up a controller has always been a cell pack. Whenever your controller goes low on battery, you can swap the old cells for new ones. Even though there is nothing wrong with this method, it isn’t preferable anymore. The most obvious reason for this is that the cells run out of battery again and again. It is safe to say that no one likes making frequent trips to the store to get cells. Regardless of how inexpensive these Xbox Accessories may be, it certainly isn’t economical in the long term. This reason is why most gamers have turned away from cells that are not rechargeable.

What about the Usage of Rechargeable Cells?

You may be thinking that if the only reason for not buying cells is because they run out of battery, rechargeable cells address that problem. These cells indeed have their fair share of advantages. As you don’t have to dispose of them like single-use cells, they are much more environmentally friendly. Waste generation is significantly lesser as they are repeatedly usable. Since you don’t have to swap the batteries frequently, the whole concept is much more convenient.

If you purchased your Xbox One controller in Canada, you could also get your hands on one of these top-quality rechargeable batteries. However, it is a common belief that using these batteries can affect the performance of your controller. This effect is due to a lower voltage rating than a single-use cell. Even if this is true, the positives of a rechargeable battery still outweigh the negatives.

Charge through the Xbox One Play and Charge Kit

The name of this kit pretty much speaks for itself. Being one of the most useful Xbox accessories, you can play games with it even when your controller runs out of juice. This feature works by letting you recharge your controller while you play or afterwards, even if the Xbox is on standby mode. The battery pack fully charges in about 4 hours and gives your controller almost ten times the battery life. As it comes with a cable, the controller can also be plugged into a PC and charged simultaneously. There is a LED charge indicator on the cord that lets you know when your controller’s battery is at a maximum.

Opt for a Micro-USB Cable

If you want the advantages of the Xbox One Play and Charge kit without spending too much money, there might be hope for you. As a Micro-USB cable is fully compatible with the Xbox, it is effortlessly usable to connect your controller. As the controller is powering up with the console’s help, there is no need to stop gaming. However, this wire would defeat the purpose of having a wireless controller. If your controller is connected to the console while you play, the wireless controller is essentially the same as a wired Xbox controller from Canada. Nevertheless, a micro-USB cable means that you can also plug your controller into a wall charger. Even though it won’t show the battery, you can track the charging’s progress on your console.

How long does Xbox One Controller battery last?

The average lifespan of AA batteries in a controller is approximately 30 to 40 hours, depending on how long it has been used.

Final Thoughts

In this day and age, a rechargeable wireless controller is universally preferable. As charging the controller and the countless methods of doing so are simple, you should opt for one of these controllers. If you are on the lookout for a new Xbox One controller from Canada, Esource Parts can provide you with the best wireless options. Browse the website and place your online order now!


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