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HomeNews TrendsCommunity-Supported, User-Generated, and Comprehensive Exploitation Platform

Community-Supported, User-Generated, and Comprehensive Exploitation Platform


The community’s emphasis on making. It is hacking environment simple enables everyone to utilize its extensive capabilities in their everyday interactions. Kali Linux is utilized by script kids, whereas Exegol is utilized by real pentesters and managed by megachads.

It combines two capabilities. If you give it a try, you’ll never go back to running Kali Linux as a host or standalone VM because you’ll see how much better off you are.

A Python wrapper that simplifies the process for all users. It handles everything related to docker and git so you don’t have to, plus it enables best-practices compliant l33t hacking. There will be no more tangled records, disorganized books, or cluttered workstations. Now is the time to easily maintain a clean office by restricting waste to one container each assignment. It is adequate when it comes to several containers and photos.

How would you like to test out a new tool without having to worry about damaging your production environment? With It is, you may create a new container in less than a minute and evaluate the software without incurring any costs or making a commitment.

  • Enjoy the simplicity of Docker containers but loathe sacrificing access to graphical applications such as BloodHound and Burp? Now that It is readily accessible, containers are automatically constructed with X11 sharing enabled, allowing GUI tools to be utilized.
  • You enjoy the concept of Docker containers but require access to your host computer’s USB devices, Wi-Fi, and network interfaces. It is capable of doing anything flawlessly.
  • No longer want to be the weakest link by using the same environment for all of your clients’ penetration tests? You can effortlessly open a lot of bottles and serve as an example to others if you have It on hand.
  • You like the concept, but you don’t want to risk losing your progress when closing a container, right? Using It is, your work is stored in a directory shared by the host and each container.

Pre-packaged Docker images and Dockerfiles with an assortment of useful tools, excellent resources, and preset preferences.

Weary of the inconsistency and dearth of tools in Kali Linux? All of this will be resolved through a community-based approach. Do you require a less common device? 

We will engage in conversation if you open the door!

Frustrated by the have to repeatedly open man or print the documentation for new tools due to syntax differences? 

Utilizing It is’s command history, in which you can replace the placeholders with your own values, saves time.

Want to improve productivity?

It has a variety of user-friendly customizations (colored output for Impacket, shortcuts and aliases, unique settings for each tool, etc.) meant to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Do you wish to generate Docker images on your personal computer? It is entirely possible, and the package will facilitate the search.

Tired of having to constantly seek for your favored privesc enumeration script on GitHub? All exegol containers and the host share the same set of resources, including linpeas, WinPEAS, LinEnum, PrivescCheck, SysinternalsSuite, mimikatz, Rubeus, PowerSploit, and many others.

Although It was designed for pentest engagements, it is adaptable to various forms of competitions such as CTFs, Bug Bounties, HackTheBox, OSCP, etc.

Instruments: a vast array of tools, the majority of which can be installed using common package managers such as apt, pip, go, etc. Not all of these tools are included in Kali. Even if a program is in development, somewhat unknown, or not extensively utilized, you can be certain that the It is community will value it. Several apps have already been optimized for peak performance (for example, Responder and BloodHound allow for user-defined NtChallengeResponses and searches, respectively).

  • In many instances, you may find it beneficial to consult a range of resources before, during, and after your engagement. 
  • Since certain assets (such as Mimikatz and Rubius) may only be utilized against a compromised target and not the attacker’s workstation, they are not tools.
  • Use the exegol user’s populated history file as an alternative to memorizing every tool option and argument or repeatedly clicking the “help” button.

Installed manually, this file provides shortcuts to frequently used commands or programs.

Advanced Python3 wrapping Management of containers and images (handles every docker operation).

Here are some quick facts on the operation of It is:

  • This repository provides access to the Python wrapper code (It is). This page serves as the initiative’s entry point.
  • The It is-images repository is loaded subsequently. Docker images can be created without the use of additional tools or resources.
  • The It is-resources repository is afterwards employed. It includes all of the aforementioned components (LinPEAS, WinPEAS, LinEnum, PrivescCheck, SysinternalsSuite, mimikatz, Rubeus, PowerSploit and many more.).
  • Wrapper, which can be installed via pip or the source code, is all that’s required to get started.
I am a coffee lover, marketer, tech geek, movie enthusiast, and blogger. Totally in love with animals, swimming, music, books, gadgets, and writing about technology. Email: rimmy@techrecur.com Website: https://www.techrecur.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/techrecur/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/techrecur/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechRecur


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