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HomeCareer10 Most-Asked Interview Questions & Answers, read this before walking

10 Most-Asked Interview Questions & Answers, read this before walking


Hello friends welcome to www.techrecur.com in this article I will be telling you about the top 10 Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers and we will be providing you with the best simple answers that you can gave while giving the interview.

So let us see the questions one by one but before we see the questions we would like to discuss about the parameter of assessment in any interview. In any interview there are certain parameters on which you are assessed so let us see those parameters


Your dress up should be very appropriate to the occasion, now when I say it recipe doesn’t mean that you should wear new clothes a very expensive clothes. The dress up simply means your dress up should be neat and clean and you should look presentable and professional in your dress while giving the interview.


Your confidence level is always checked in any interview, you should look very confidence so when you think that you are suitable for the job from inside you will automatically become very confident, if you are convinced that you can do this job very confidently you can do it very efficiently, you will automatically will become very confident.


Nowadays very important in any organization, communication skills mean ability to speak on any topic convincingly and logically. So communication skill is always checked it’s a very good parameter so how can you improve your communication skills? You can improve your communication skills by reading books by discussing in a group by listening to the news you can improve your communication skills, so communication is skill is it because one of the biggest parameter in any interview that is checked.


Your body language should be very appropriate, you should not be yawn you should not cough you should not look here and there. So these are the point that are checked in interview, so body language should be good and impressive.


You should be honest with your answers and in your CV or resume, whatever you apply in your CV or resume or your answer should be correct and to the point, You should give honest answers only, you should not hide anything from the interview board, so honesty is also very very important while giving interview.


You should convince yourself that you are suitable for the job, if you think that you are suitable for the job done only you should go for the job your suitability criteria is always checked in any interview.


If you are currently getting 20,000 rupees you should ask maximum 30,000 to be twenty-five thousand rupees to thirty thousand rupee. You should not suddenly asks a huge amount I mean your cell this would match with the company’s parameters then only they will call you for the job.

So these are the seven parameters I have included here on which you are assessed, so before going to any interview just see if you are fitting if you fit on these parameters or not, so now let us see the questions one by one.

1. Tell me something about yourself

This is the topmost question that is generally asked in any interview, now let me tell you why this question is asked.

This question is asked to check your communication skill, your confidence and to check your body language while giving the answers.

So you should be where this thing in mind while giving the answer of this question so now let us see the points that you can include while giving such kind of answer.

  • Tell your full name
  • Place where are you from
  • Your highest qualification
  • Work experience
  • Family background

Now let us see the best simple answer, what could be the best simple answer for this question now the best simple answer is

“I am john originally from Mumbai I have done my MA in English I had been teaching English for last five years in Neil Career Center, as far as my family background is concerned, I am married and have one daughter”.

2. What are your strengths?

This question is asked to check if you have any plus point and how your plus points are going to be benefited to the company going to be beneficial to the company. Now let us see the points that you can include while giving this answer.

Honesty: you can say you are honest with your deadlines or with your work, this is very good point you are organized because if you are organized you can meet deadlines on time.

Flexibility: you have flexibility you can you are ready to working any working hours you can stay back you can work in shifts.

Positive attitude: very very good point positive attitude self-motivated yourself motivated you don’t have to somebody else doesn’t have to come and ask you to do work you are self-motivated yourself.

Quick decision maker: you are quick decision making, this is also a very good point.

So this answer can be given this way

“I am an honest organized and self-motivated person with a positive attitude toward my career and my life I can also adapt to the environment very fast”.

3. What are your weaknesses?

This question is asked just to check if you have any weakness and how your weaknesses are going to impact your job so

You can say, you can trust people easily this is also not directly linked to your job impatient even say you are impatient, you can say nervous with the or whatever you think you just speak out and now let us see the best simple answer.

 “I am a straightforward person and sometime hard people and unintentionally I am working on this weakness and trying to overcome it”

You must include this line ‘I am working on this weakness and trying to overcome it’ so you can convince the interview board that you are trying to overcome your weakness and you don’t have any weakness.

4. What do you know about this company?

The interview board is always interested there what is your knowledge regarding the company that you are applying for. So you should include this point it study the campaign good detail you can study the company good to tell through interview.

“I know this is one of the fastest growing companies in India, in the field of telecommunication this company is known for its after sales services and provide good customer satisfaction. This company has branches all across the country and expanding overseas; also I would feel proud to be associated with this company. As it provide excellent career prospect for its employees”.

So this way you can give very good answer for this question three four qualities you can tell them that you like after sales services the company provide good customer satisfaction.

5. Why do you want to work with us?

Share what you like, you must say what you like about the company, maybe you like the good career prospect, maybe you like the good professional environment in the company, maybe you like the portrait that company provided you for going abroad. So these are the points you should you should share share what you like about the company.

“it’s a great honor for anyone to work in a prestigious company like yours, when I read about the vacant position in the company I found that my skills and interest are matching with your requirement and this is the best place where I can utilize my skills to contribute to the company’s growth and improve my career path”.

So this way you can give the best answer of the question I hope you understood.

6. Why should we hire you?

Now while answering this question, you should market your personality, you should market your excuse, you should market your experience and you should tell them your unique selling point.

Whatever your public is pure whatever is your plus point unique selling point you must share with your interview board share your experience if you are having good experience in working in variety of companies in.

“I am very very excited to work in a good company like this, I think I can utilize my skills here the company’s growth and improve my career path” also if you are a fresher you must say that you are very keen very excited to work in a good company

Like this you must show your confidence and you must show your excitement. So I hope you understood this answer.

7. Why are you looking for a job change?

This is the very frequently asked question why are you changing your job? What is the problem with your job?

So here you should share your genuine reasons, now what could be the reasons let us see be positive about current company. Never criticize about the current company, never criticize any employer or any employee you’re fickle. Be very positive about it the next thing you see are the skills, you have learned you must share the skills that you have learned in the past organizations.

“sir my current company is very good and I have learned a lot there but I think change is necessary for everyone to enhance once his skills gain experience and get personal and financial growth, your company would be a great platform for me to learn new skills and get good career grow”.

So this is the best answer for this question if you give this answer you can make very good impression.

8. What is your expected salary?

Shall we expect this is the question that is almost always asked in any interview. So it should show your excitement if you are a fresher but you are experienced you can mention negotiate the salary but you should ask the justify salary now let’s let us see the best simple answer

If you are a fresher this should be the answer

“As a fresher salary is not my first priority, this is a good platform to start my career and gain good experience; you can fix my salary as for the company’s norms which can fulfill my financial needs”.

Now let us see does next answer for experience for

“I have got 10 years of working experience legend as an HR professional, my current self is 5 lakh per annum but I’m expecting a higher salary than this which can be as for the company’s norm on the basis of my experience”

So this way you can give the very good answer, if you are experienced you can definitely negotiate you can mention yourself but you should always ask for a justify salary to your requirement and equal to your experience.

9. What are your career goals?

Everybody is having goals but you are always have to kind of goals short term goal and long term goal so you can mention this short term goal and long term goal now let us see the best simple answer while answering this question

“my short term goal is to get a good job in a prestigious company where I can utilize my skills and improve my career path my long term goal is to be in a higher end decision-making position in that organisation which is satisfying and well rewarding”.

So you have told them that your short term goal is to get a good job in a prestigious company and your long term goal is to be in a decision-making police and managerial position on higher policing. So it’s this way you have mentioned both the goals short term goals and long term.

10. Do you have any question to ask?

So when this question is asked you must thank the interview board. They are giving you the chance to ask any question.

So while giving the answer of this question you can ask you can include these points.

Job profile what will be your job profile, job timings you can ask for job timings,

Transport if the company is providing any transfer to its employee you must ask regarding the transport what kind of transport facility company is providing.

If it is a production unit or something like that you can ask over time allows probation period or training period.

Let us see the best simple answer

“thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to ask me queries, so I just wanted to know my job timings transport facility if you provide one and my gross starting salary please also tell me if there will be any training or probation period” 


This way you can get very good answers, so that’s it friends and if you are preparing for any interview I wish you good luck for the interview if you apply these things if you give such kind of answer you will definitely be higher if you have liked this article please share to with your friends I wish you all the best for your bright future.

Author Bio:

Sasi Kumar

A Passionate Blogger with Positive Attitude Towards Life and seeking for Great Opportunity, Believe in accepting challenges for exhilaration victory.


I am a coffee lover, marketer, tech geek, movie enthusiast, and blogger. Totally in love with animals, swimming, music, books, gadgets, and writing about technology. Email: rimmy@techrecur.com Website: https://www.techrecur.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/techrecur/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/techrecur/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechRecur


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